Epic Gumdrop Ep 20: Rifts CCG
This week on Epic Gumdrop Jeff raises the dead and we play the deceased Rifts Collectible Card Game.
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(Length: approx 27min)
This week on Epic Gumdrop Jeff raises the dead and we play the deceased Rifts Collectible Card Game.
Listen above or subscribe via iTunes.
(Length: approx 27min)
I am actually trying to accumulate some of this game. I agree it died before it could be fleshed out. And I see the design flaw as one where they were probably promised 2-3 sets, and so they sprinkled ideas that were never viable; see Cyber-Knights.
The Starters were decent as far as getting involved, but had the LCG supply model been in play this Could have survived.
Unfortunately this is not popular enough to see it necro’d like Doomtown or Netrunner. Shame, as the groundwork is there. And there is not a lot to offend as this was just a preliminary set.
Totally. There’s loads of interesting ideas here. It would take some tweaking of the overall theme to make it work for today, but I don’t see why not. Netrunner, which we love, is so 1990s cyberpunk yet they’ve made it work. I wonder if the Rifts / Savage Worlds team-up in the RPG space will help spark any new interest (the kickstarter seems to have gone well). Wish I had more time for it all at the moment!
Also, from 1 Starter you can play the Lazlo or Tolkeen Nation. From 2 Starters you can make a Coalition State or Pecos Nation versus the Federation of Magic setup. Both Lazlo and Tolkeen provide Tech & Magic, so the starter is acceptable. Iirc.
We haven’t been able to get it back on the table since last summer, so I’m already forgetting! There were definitely some balance issues, but that seemed appropriate for a RIFTS game – although it wasn’t as bonkers as I expected. There was bound to be a few things missing in the base set but this would have given them room to grow. I think the CCG market was well-enough established when this came on the scene that they must have had some understanding how to roll this out as a collectible game.
So, I got my Booster Box from Australia of all places. I want to try this as a Sealed Deck event. There was a faux-Card made for just that thing calledd Ragtag Army. The only negative is your MUST play with ALL of your 66 cards in your maindeck, no Secret Weapons.
If you wanted to let people use Nations, what do you think the Minimum deck size should be? 40? 50?
That’s pretty cool!
Hmm. Re: deck size I’m really not sure. I’ll check with Jeff and let you know if he has any thoughts on it. Probably depends on overall composition.