Epic Gumdrop Ep 16: Arctic Scavengers
|On a frozen wasteland episode of Epic Gumdrop we discuss/review the re-re-release of Arctic Scavengers and expansions. Will Jeff get a dig of 3 and find the med kit in time? Will James pull his sniper team from the bunker? And who will win the skirmish (only to find out it is a grenade)?
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(Length: approx 48min)
Arctic Scavengers: Base Game + HQ + Recon
Where’s the game? Ah, it’s there. The base game takes up the top 1/3 of the box.
So few choices. Yet you will make even fewer than you expect. But each one is critical.
Dig and hunt values of zero? Where’s that cannibal tribe leader when you need him?
Dream about hiring a band of thugs. And then keep dreaming.
What’s hiding in that bunker? These guys? Probably.
Which cover art do you prefer? And what’s that guy’s problem, anyway? We sent him out to dig days ago.
Bored? Add HQ expansions.
Bored again? Add Recon modules.
Still bored? Then something is wrong with you. Seek medical attention immediately.