Breaking Dads Ep 17: Minecraft


Why worry about your kids getting into drugs when they already have Minecraft?

Don’t know what a diamond pickaxe or block of redstone ore is useful for? We’re here to let you know you’re not alone. Also, if you don’t get in your cottage or jump into bed to sleep through the night that Creeper is probably going to get you.

Listen above or head over to itunes to subscribe or download episodes.

(duration: 36 min)

This episode we made reference to the wonderful tutorials of Paul Soares Jr, and in the one below he teaches a novice user how to start a fresh game and not get wiped out (it’s aimed at pc, but much of the info is applicable to tablet versions). At minimum, it’s worth watching to understand what your kids are talking about so you can stop nodding and saying “mmm hmm, mmm hmm.”