All Sorted Ep 8: LEGO Pirates
|On an Arrrrrrrr inspiring episode of All Sorted, Jeff and James Look at the LEGO Pirates theme from the beginning.
Wave 1 – 1989 and 1991 – Where it all began.
Wave 2 – 1992-1993 – Bring on the Imperial Guard.
Wave 3 – 1994-1995 – Here come the Islanders.
Wave 4: 1996-1997 – Now with MOAR Color!
- 1996 Pirates
- 1997 Pirates
- 6250: Cross Bone Clipper (The worst ship ever made?)
Do Overs: 2001-2002 – Re-releases.
Wave 5: 2009-2010 – Pirates are so hot right now.
- 2009 Pirates
- 2010 – 10210: Imperial Flagship (The best LEGO ship ever?)
Pirates of the Caribbean: 2011
Wave 6?: 2015 – Pretty Printed Pirates!
Finally we ask, where else can the LEGO Pirates theme go? Is it forever destined to run for one or two years, then disappear for three or four more? And how about realism? Would we even want realistic pirates?