All Sorted Ep 29: LEGO Erling
|On a sideways episode of All Sorted, Jeff and James:
Look at the legacy of LEGO designer Erling Dideriksen:
- Listed on 23 LEGO patents as the inventor
- Designed some classic parts:
- 1984 – Wedge 4 x 4 Triple Inverted – Appears in 204 sets (last seen in 2014)
- 1984 – Slope, Inverted 45 4 x 4 Double – Appears in 215 sets (last seen in 2014)
- 1988 – Propeller 4 Blade 5 Diameter with Rounded Ends – Appears in 214 sets (still in use)
- 1977 – 2×2 plate with Turntable
Examine Erling’s most famous brick:
- LEGO officially calls Design ID 4070, “Angular Brick 1X1”
- Internally, LEGO designers refer to it as the Erling and to the brick derived from it (with studs on all sides) as the “Super Erling”:
- Originally designed as a way to make headlights in car models
- The Erling brick shows up in 1515 sets since 1980, or just over 28% of the LEGO system sets released.
- The brick’s unique geometry provides a lot of unique building possibilities – (via HoMa’s World of Bricks)
- In celebration of the Erling brick’s usefulness the Creator Expert logo was changed in 2015 to a small build made from 7 Erling bricks
Finally, I wish I knew more about the man that gave the world this remarkable brick, but I was unable to dig up any more information. If you know anything, please, let us know in the comments, or hit me up on twitter, @StillSorting.