All Sorted Ep 11: LEGO and the Trouble with Girls

LEGO Friends

On an engendered episode of All Sorted, Jeff and James:

LEGO Homemaker

See LEGO’s early attempts to market to girls:

Homemaker 1971-1974, 1981

LEGO Scala

Watch LEGO think they are a jewelry company:

Scala – 1979-1980

Are too busy playing with our awesome new Pirate sets to notice LEGO putting up “no girls allowed” signs.

Pirates are awesome!

LEGO Paradisia

Take a trip to an Island Paradise:

Paradisia – 1992-1997

LEGO Belville

Witness an invasion by larger, more articulated dolls:

Belville – 1994-2008

LEGO Scala

Arrive fashionably late to the Barbie game:

Scala Dolls – 1997-2001

LEGO Clickits

Shake our heads as LEGO says, “No, let’s really do jewelry this time!”

Clikits – 2003-2006

LEGO Friends

Gasp as LEGO gets it all wrong again – or maybe not…

Friends – 2012-present

Remember – It’s still LEGO:

Finally we ask, did LEGO get it right after all?